Leadership Team


Steve & Lisa Taylor

Lead Elder



Steve leads the team of elders. He also is involved in inter-church relations and mission in South Manchester.


Steve is a G.P. (retired) and Lisa is a primary school teacher. Lisa also helps run the Kids work. 

They have three daughters.


Paul & Alison Basson

Elder (Staff)



Paul is on staff as an elder and oversees the day to day running of the church and is involved with other churches within Newfrontiers and beyond.

Alison is a full-time teaching assistant in a local school.

They have three daughters.


Dan and Kit Leaver




Dan is an elder

Dan works as a Principal Landscape Architect and Kit works as a counsellor.

They have three children.






Dave & Suzy Bell



Dave is an elder.

Dave is a Consultant Hand,Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon.

Suzy is a stay at home mum who is very active within the community They have 3 children.








(Awaiting Picture)


Mike & Becky Spencer




Mike works one day a week helping with admin and finance. He works for Navigators and his focus is in mission and to disciple students'


Becky is a stay at home mum to their 2 daughters.


Tony Winter






Tony works 1.5 days a week as an evangelist and is on the pastoral team


Marijke Hoek






Marijke works one day a week in a pastoral roll.

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